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Gosman Selected as Panelist for Technology Vision Panel Discussion at RSPA

pcAmerica, a leading developer of point of sale software applications, will be exhibiting at RSPA’s RetailNOW Convention at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 29th-August 1st. In addition to having their software on display, CEO David Gosman will serve as a panelist on the Technology Vision Panel Discussion. The Discussion will take place on Tuesday, July 31st from 10:15-11:45 A.M.

The Discussion will include panelists who have their pulse on the technology changes in the market and how they will impact a company’s line card and business. The Technology Vision Panel Discussion will be moderated by George Koroneos of VSR Magazine and will include panelists from ISIS; Vigiliz, LLC; VendorSafe Technologies and VeriFone. The Discussion includes an open forum portion for guests to ask questions.

Along with the Discussion, Gosman will also be running for the RSPA Board of Directors. People can vote while at RetailNOW. To learn more about the discussion and voting, visit www.gorspa.org/retailnow.