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pcAmerica Teams up with ADS, BSM’s “Resale VAR of the Future”

In a June 18 article in Business Solutions Magazine, Jim Stewart of Advanced Data Systems talked with Editor Mike Monocello about how he converted his company to a recurring revenue model, which allowed him to bring it back from the edge and start turning a profit again.

pcAmerica became one of Stewart’s chosen partner vendors after he met David Gosman, the company’s CEO, and the two realized they shared similar visions for the future of the POS channel.

Stewart told BSM that “pcAmerica quickly became my retail software of choice.” He recognizes and appreciates the company’s dedication to innovation and its drive to enhance the software with new and improved functions and integrations.

pcAmerica’s helpful, 24/7 support staff will spend time on the phone with customers working though issues or log-in to the client’s computer so they can take a closer look at more challenging problems, said Stewart.

And even though ADS is a smaller VAR, Stewart appreciates pcAmerica’s hands-on approach. He has gone to the company several times with development ideas for smaller niches and instead of letting his ideas languish, the company’s developers and management team roll up their sleeves and work with Stewart to turn his ideas into “a money-making reality.”

For more information about how pcAmerica can put their team to work for you, please call 1-800-722-6374.