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Archive for 'News'

Panera Bread Finds Creative Solutions for Shrinking Dining Out Budgets

Americans may find their wallets look a little skinnier after paying their bills, taxes and for other essentials, like food and gas. A report from Wells Fargo & Co. noted that disposable incomes fell 5.2% since the first quarter of 2013, after rising last year. And although the country is slowly climbing out of the […]

Who are the Showroomers? You might be surprised.

The competition between brick and mortar stores and online-only retailers is at fever pitch. Much has been written about showrooming: what it is, how retailers are fighting back and the shopping dollars at stake. We know what it is and we know why people do it. But who are the showroomers, exactly? According to STORES […]

Use Mobility to Increase Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty can be hard to earn and even harder to hang on to, especially when consumers are still leery about the economy. Loyalty programs, special promotions and other offers help you communicate with customers on a more direct level, but instituting mobile payments may be a key factor in getting patrons to come back […]

bPay Mobile Payments Draws New Customers, Higher Profits

Moxie Boutique is a contemporary clothing store located on the University of Delaware campus in Newark, Delaware. The boutique’s owner, Cari Rogers, was looking for a new, innovative way to attract shoppers to the store. She was drawn to pcAmerica’s Cash Register Express point-of-sale system because it offered enhanced marketing and payment capabilities through a […]

Bematech and pcAmerica Opens New Doors for Mr. Miceli Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant

Mr. Miceli Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant is a family owned pizzeria that has served up pizza, salads and pasta to customers in Rockville Centre, New York for the last 35 years. Although the pizzeria offers delivery, take out and quick casual service, it saw its customer base dwindling.  In addition to not having a solid […]

Discover + PayPal = Instant success? The answer is: not yet

In April, PayPal announced a new partnership with Discover Financial Services that will bring the formerly online-only payment service into bricks and mortar stores. According to Reuters, PayPal will be accepted in approximately 2 million stores that accept Discover credit cards. Gaining traction in the physical payments market, which Reuters values at $10 trillion, could […]

Electronic tipping technology helps workers cash in

Paying with credit and debit cards or via mobile wallet is great for the consumer: pick the product, swipe and they’re on their way. No fumbling for change necessary, no impatient customers waiting behind them while they count out the right amount.

Is it the end of cash as we know it?

Although the phrase “cash is king” rings true for many, the reality is, cash has been losing its influential grip for more than 50 years. American Express introduced its first plastic credit card in 1959 and within five years, more than a million cards had been issued. And as experts predict the rise of mobile payments, some are whispering that the era of cold, hard cash may be coming to an end.

It’s 2013: Waste Some Time!

In the January/February issue of RSPA’s connect Magazine, pcAmerica CEO David Gosman is asking businesses to focus more time on social networking. Several businesses have utilized social networking to better connect with customers and ultimately drive sales. Gosman detailed a few low-cost, straight-forward tactics to help your business with social networking. Gosman’s tactics include, “set […]

Canada Ends Circulation of the Penny … Is your Business Prepared?

On February 4th, the Canadian Mint stopped circulating the penny to financial institutions, marking the beginning of the end of the penny in Canada. Retailers have also been encouraged to send back any pennies that they currently have on hand.