Archive for 'News'
Pumping It Up (Part Two of a Series)
Faster, more efficient processing ranks at the top of the list of benefits to be reaped from deploying an integrated fuel pump and point of sale system. However, it is far from the only benefit—providing that the solution you select has a top-notch reporting component.
Posted: June 10th, 2011 under Cash Register Express Fuel Edition, Data Security, News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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Pumping Up Sales At Gas Stations (Part One of a Series)
For many independent gas stations, gas station chains, convenience stores and grocery stores, selling both gasoline and merchandise has become a competitive weapon as well as a way to bolster productivity. But while it is not difficult to persuade consumers to fill up the gas tank while simultaneously making a food purchase (or vice versa), managing these different facets of the business can be challenging on many levels.
Posted: June 7th, 2011 under Cash Register Express Fuel Edition, News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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pcAmerica Pushes The PCI Compliance Envelope
The most comprehensive end-to-end security solution available today, the IPAD ® SC helps merchants and restaurateurs prevent personal cardholder data breaches, without compromising the speed and convenience of customer transactions. Here’s how:
Posted: June 3rd, 2011 under Data Security, News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Uncategorized.
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Taking The Grand Blogging Prize
pcAmerica has the technology that can get you started with social marketing, using solutions from behind the counter.
Posted: May 20th, 2011 under News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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Bending The Rules
Additionally, under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, passed by Congress in 2010, retailers and restaurant owners can set minimum price levels for the use of credit cards in their establishments. The minimum must be under $10. Why bother? The transaction fees operators pay to process really small purchases—say, below $5—essentially cancel out the profit from the sale.
Posted: May 12th, 2011 under Data Security, News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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More Myths
Using PCI-compliant technology at the physical point of sale constitutes PCI compliance by default. While this may be the case, remember that PCI guidelines also require the implementation of measures to ensure the physical security of networks and payment technology as well as the maintenance of written security policies. Although it is critical that terminals and other point of sale hardware be PCI- compliant, compliance as a whole doesn’t stop there.
Posted: May 10th, 2011 under Data Security, News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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PCI Compliance: Debunking the Myths (Part Two In A Series)
Okay, so you understand, from reading the last installment of this blog, why it’s so important to achieve PCI DSS compliance. But there still may be one or more myths about PCI DSS and data breaches in general that are holding you back from addressing your own operation’s issues with a trusted vendor, such as pcAmerica. Here are a few common assumptions, debunked.
Posted: May 5th, 2011 under Data Security, News, Point of Sale.
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Dial C For Compliance (Part One In A Series)
We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) designed to guard against breaches of consumer card data continues to be problem for small merchants. Consider the results of a recent poll by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, which found that […]
Posted: May 3rd, 2011 under Data Security, News, Point of Sale, POS, Uncategorized.
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pcAmerica CEO to Speak at Epson Partner Conference
April 29, 2011- David Gosman, Chief Executive Officer for pcAmerica, has been invited to speak at the upcoming Epson Envision Partner Executive Conference at the Waldorf Astoria Resort in Fajardo, Puerto Rico from May 2-5, 2011. This event provides channel partners with a platform to engage with industry experts, discuss business strategy and learn about emerging technologies.
Posted: April 29th, 2011 under News, Point of Sale, POS, Uncategorized.
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Winning the Blogging Game (Part One in a Series)
A few months back, we explained why it’s important for retailers and restaurant operators to blog just as we at pcAmerica do. We hope you took our advice! Now it’s time to look at a few ways to prevent your blog from becoming stale and, as a result, losing some of its following. Here are three strategies to start with; see our next installment for more ideas.
Posted: April 21st, 2011 under News, Point of Sale, POS, POS Hardware, POS System, Restaurant POS System, Retail POS System, Uncategorized.
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